We loved our May stay in Bermuda and hope you enjoy browsing these representative memories of our trip. Some of Bermuda's fabulous flora and fauna and other famous qualities shown in our photographs:

Bermudiana, Sisyrinchium bermudiana Endemic spring-blooming plant and unofficial national flower.
Bermuda Cedar, Juniperus bermudiana Endemic juniper used for centuries. Blight nearly eradicated it.
Bermuda onionallium cepa Grown from English seed since 1616 and distinctively famous.
Bermuda Palmetto, Sabal bermudiana The only native (endemic, indigenous) palm tree in Bermuda.
Easter LilyLilium longiflorum In 1922 "Howardii", an early bloomer, revived the export trade.
Fiddlewood. Tree leaves orange in the springtime, green the rest of the year.
HibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensis China native in Bermuda, blooms red, pink, yellow, and white.
Morning Glory ("Bluebell"), Ipomoea sp.  Three of the eleven species blooming rampantly are native.
OleanderNerium oleander Poisonous shrub with year-round flowers, introduced in 1790.
Olivewood BarkCassine laneana Endemic leathery-leafed evergreen found on rocky hillsides.
Screw PinePandanus utilis Notice unusual multiple root trunk (behind Steve, in Gardens).
Surinam Cherry. Popular as a hedge, its edible red cherries used in preserves.
ChitonChiton tuberculatus Oval segmented mollusk adhering to Bermuda's coastal rocks.
KiskadeePitangus sulphuratus Flamboyant flycatcher imported although it prefers fruit & fish.
Portuguese Man O' War, Physalia physalis Colony of marine individuals works as one stinging organism.

Pink Sand: Foraminifera shell fragments, coral, and calcium carbonate remains of other marine invertebrates. The northernmost coral reefs in the world grow in the year-round temperate ocean waters around Bermuda.

Ruth's Travelogues on:

Willowbank South Shore Beaches Botanical Gardens Spittal Pond Walking the Railway Trail
Bermuda Somerset Village Riding the Ferry City of Hamilton World's Smallest Drawbridge

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